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Table 3 Round 2 results

From: Canadian Internal Medicine Ultrasound (CIMUS) consensus statement: recommendations for mandatory ultrasound competencies for ultrasound-guided thoracentesis, paracentesis, and central venous catheterization


Mandatory, no. (%)

Optional, no. (%)

Superfluous, no. (%)

General competencies


 Appropriate infection prevention and control measures

26/27 (96)*

1/27 (4)




 Characterization of pleural effusion (septations/etc.)

21/27 (78)*

5/27 (19)

1/27 (4)

 Assessment to include deep breaths (lung movement) and diaphragm movement

19/27 (70)*

6/27 (22)

2/27 (7)

 Ruling out vasculature (e.g. intercostal vessels)

7/27 (26)

17/27 (63)

3/27 (11)

 Assessing for pneumothorax pre- and post-

4/27 (15)

18/27 (67)

5/27 (19)

 Pleural effusion size estimation


11/27 (41)

16/27 (59)



 Assessment to include sliding/two planes to ensure a sufficient area surveyed

22/26 (85)*

3/26 (11)

1/26 (4)

 Assessment to include compression to ensure depth of fluid collection remains sufficient

17/27 (63)

8/27 (30)

2/27 (7)

Central venous catheterization (CVC)


 Assessment to include ruling out deep vein thrombosis (in the access site vein, not thrombosis in the legs)

16/27 (59)

11/27 (41)


 Creep technique (to ensure visualization of needle all the way in) for all real-time guidance maneuvers

23/27 (85)*

4/27 (15)


 Internal jugular CVC: either in-plane or out-of-plane

23/27 (85)*

3/27 (11)

1/27 (4)

 Internal jugular CVC: in-plane


9/26 (35)

17/26 (65)

 Internal jugular CVC: out-of-plane

5/27 (19)

6/27 (22)

16/27 (59)

 Subclavian CVC: real-time guidance

5/24 (21)

13/24 (54)

6/24 (25)

 Subclavian CVC: indirect guidance

2/24 (8)

13/24 (54)

9/24 (38)

 Assessment to include confirming catheter is intra-vein with ultrasound

8/27 (30)

14/27 (52)

5/27 (19)

 Assessing for pneumothorax pre- and post-

3/27 (11)

16/27 (59)

8/27 (30)

 Saline flush test


6/27 (22)

21/27 (78)*

 Assessing for direction of catheter towards superior vena cava


4/27 (15)

23/27 (85)*

  1. *Consensus achieved
  2. Removed after Round 2 because of its relation to another competency that reached consensus